My two kids go to an arts magnet. They have separate teachers for art, drama, music, dance, and piano. My sons gets piano and music each twice a week. Next 'semester' he will get piano and either drama or art, his pick. He would get both drama or art but he wanted piano and thus gives up a fine art. When he's in 6th grade, he will pick a fine art he likes the best and get a double period of this fine art twice a week.

So, there are schools that do focus on the arts- this school has a mission to expand educational excellence through the use of arts. There are also two big shows a year: a holiday program and then one in the spring. The one in the spring has a different focus each year: visual arts, dance & singing, etc. Each of the grade levels is involved in both these shows. Of course, the older graduating classes are highlighted but everyone gets a hand in the shows weather they are performing or making sets or involved in the staging and the other duties that go along with the show.