Have a question or want to start a new discussion thread?

First – To post a new thread or respond to a current thread you need to register on CPSForums.com.

You will have unique user ID and
password that you’ll use to login each time you want to post.

You can also sign in by linking to your Facebook account if you have not already.

Next - find the appropriate forum. Go to the forum home page, and look for the most relevant section in which to post your question or new discussion topic. If you don't see the best place for your question or topic, go ahead and post in General Chat. (Also feel free to suggest new sections in Suggestions & Feedback!).

Now - Now, go to that section and click the "Post New Thread" button ---->> post_new_thread.gif

Finally - Enter your question or new discussion topic!

About CPS Obsessed Forums

The goal of CPSObsessedForums.com is to provide a place for the Chicago community to easily share information about schools.

you have a school-related question, news to share, opinions to express, or a cause to organize please post it here.

The more we
share, the more we’ll all learn about CPS and education in Chicago.

CPSObsessed.com will still function as a main “meeting place” on key
CPS topics as they arise, but the forums will allow us all to pose more specific questions about specific schools and the admissions process in a more organized way than the blog does.