View Full Version : Fall 2012 SEES tours

Christine Whitley
09-21-2012, 05:43 PM
The calendar on the OAE website doesn't include any elementary schools for some reason. I have a schedule for SEES schools and tried to upload the PDF here but the file is too big. So I refer you to my website where I have them listed on my events calendar.

09-25-2012, 07:24 AM
It would be nice if OAE provided some guidelines to the schools for open houses. It doesn't seem like an open house before the start of the school year (Pritzker) or one on a Friday evening (Beaubien) are the most convenient times. Here's the list of open houses on CPS OAE's website, http://www.cpsoae.org/SEES%20-%20Open%20Houses%20for%202013-2014%20School%20Year.pdf