View Full Version : Strikewatch Tues 9/18 – HoD Votes Today

CPS Obsessed Blog
09-18-2012, 03:21 PM
The CTU House of Delegates is due to vote today at 3pm. Parents will be protesting the strike at noon at the Merchandise Mart to urge the CTU to end the strike.* See previous strike post for details. Another group of parents have started up to try to rally more of the parent voice.* (Note, [...]http://stats.wordpress.com/b.gif?host=cpsobsessed.com&blog=3946072&post=2159& subd=cpsobsessed&ref=&feed=1

More... (http://cpsobsessed.com/2012/09/18/strikewatch-tues-918-hod-votes-today/)

09-18-2012, 03:24 PM
I hear there are only 12 parents standing out with very professionally made looking signs. Sounds like a bunch of sock puppets for someone....

The only place I can get any recent news on anything strike is either here or at the RYH website. I thank my fellow parents for being involved even though the media and board act like we don't exist.

Eric Fall K Dad
09-20-2012, 07:31 AM
My kids are so happy to be back at school, but my kindergartner did mention that yesterday was the "longest day ever" lol, and that was with no after-school.

A couple parents I know are still wary and say the strike is just "suspended", not over. What chance do you think the strike will resume this year?
